Mallorca Bicycle Rescue
A Mallorcan answer to Murphy’s law

If you have their cover, a number of vehicles island-wide are available to you if and when you may need them. If your bike or body break down, they will take you and your riding partner (if required) quickly and efficiently to the nearest bike repair shop or back to your accommodation. Your choice.
Your alternative would be to call a taxi, which can prove difficult. Taxi drivers are reluctant to go out to pick up someone on the roadside in the middle of nowhere and there are very strict zoning laws governing which taxi can go where, and if you aren’t sure of your exact whereabouts, the language barrier can be frustrating for both sides. Not to mention where to put your bike!
Save yourself all this hassle and take out Mallorca Bicycle Rescue cover and ensure that you waste no time in cycling paradise.
During our last visit, we were a group of ten friends, all experienced cyclists and experienced Mallorca-goers. A member of our group pulled a muscle in his back at the base of Col dels Reis near the Roman aqueduct. Not wanting to admit defeat, he carried on, and we all descended the spectacular Sa Calobra down to the Port. However, he did not have the strength to complete the climb that comes after, and halfway up he had to stop. Luckily, with his MBR cover, he could simply call them and they sent out a vehicle immediately which arrived around 45 minutes later. They took him back to Port Pollenca with his bike, and we continued our ride confidently knowing he was in good hands.
I don’t know about you, but i’d rather not waste my time sitting on the roadside for hours, watching other cyclists go by, waiting on an unreliable taxi. I’d rather not have to walk for miles to find a suitable place to be picked up, either. I’d kick myself!
The cover is so simple to get, and so reasonable, that it’s a no-brainer. Also, as part of a group, do I really want to be the one who disrupts everyone else’s day and make them lose out on their hard earned holiday time whilst I try and sort out my issue, knowing that I could have just purchased this cover? Low cost, and low hassle. Simple. There is no reason for a sensible cyclist to not take out this cover. Approximate cost is €4 a day.
Most of us are prepared and able to fix small issues with our bikes ourselves, but more complicated situations can inevitably arise. In addition there is only so much pain I, as a leisure cyclist, am prepared to ride through. It’s my holiday too after all! Some may call me weak, but I intend to enjoy my time in the brilliant Mallorca and I will make sure I make the most of it by being prepared. If and when it’s necessary, I have no qualms in being on my way to a much needed massage!
Sh*t happens, and thanks to Murphy’s Law it may happen during your well earned break in Mallorca. If it does, trust Mallorca Bicycle Rescue to save you time, money and remove you quickly from what may have become a frustrating and stressful situation.
Happy cycling, see you on the road this year. Steven Locke, Edinburgh. Feb ‘18.
Mallorca-Fahrradshuttle – mehr als 300 fahrplanmäßige Fahrradbusse pro Jahr zum Start der Traumrouten; Mallorca Bicycle Rescue für den Fall, dass das Fahrrad oder der Körper schlapp machen; 365/24/7 private Flughafentransfers für Radfahrer und jetzt der Sa Calobra Express für PB-Versuche mit frischen Beinen.